Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this site?

I always thought the MTGO interface wasn't very helpful for browsing decks and picking a deck to play, especially when you have dozens of decks. I have (limited) web development knowledge and was in the mood for it so the site came to life. I built it mostly for myself so apologies if it's not super polished.

What can I do with the search box?

You can use the search box to filter decks by name or by tag. Tags represent several key characteristics of the deck like base mechanic, color family, tribe, among others. Here is a list of all tags currently available: 2-color, 3-color, 4-color, 5-color, abzan, aggro, ally, arcane, artifacts, azorius, bant, beast, black, blink, blue, boros, cascade, changeling, cipher, clerics, colorless, combo, competitive, control, convoke, counters, creatureless, creatures, crew, cycling, deathtouch, defender, delve, dimir, discard, domain, elementals, elves, emerge, enchantment, enchantments, equipments, esper, ETB, evolve, exalted, exert, extort, faeries, fog, goblins, golgari, graveyard, green, grixis, gruul, haste, heroic, hexproof, illusions, infect, infinite, ink, izzet, jund, land destruction, landfall, lands, lifegain, lock, madness, mardu, merfolk, metalcraft, midrange, mill, mimic, monocolor, morph, multicolor, naya, ninjutsu, orzhov, persist, ping, prowess, pumps, rakdos, ramp, reanimator, rebels, red, sacrifice, selesnya, self-discard, shapeshifter, simic, slivers, soldiers, soulshift, spells, spirits, sultai, synergy, tall, tempo, temur, thalids, threshold, tokens, tortured existence, transformational sideboard, tribal, tron, undying, value, vehicles, wall, white, wide, yore, zombies, zubera. Technically you can also search for decks within a certain price range, for instance, by typing 2., you can filter for decks with price between 2.00 and 2.99 TIX.

Why are some important cards like Pyroblast or Hydroblast not in any decks/sideboards?

All decks are based on my MTGO decklists and as such only include cards which I currently have in my collection. As such, you will notice that some obvious cards, mostly sideboard and expensive cards, are not present. Examples include Pyroblast, Hydroblast, Moment's Peace, Ash Barrens, Lotus Petal, Daze, Manamorphose, the Monarch creaturs, among a few others.

How are deck prices calculated?

Prices are calculated using data from Scryfall. The cheapest reprint found for each card is used for the calculation.

When are the decks or deck prices updated?

Prices are usually updated once a month. Decklists are added or updated whenever I get around to it and under no specific schedule. The date shown for each decklist provides an indication of when the deck was last updated.

Why no Paper Pauper decklists?

I currently play exclusively in Magic Online, as such all decks are based on the MTGO card pool. Currently I have no plan to include Paper Pauper decks.

Any plans to further improve the site?

Yes! :)

How do I contribute to the website?

You can contribute by providing feedback or suggestions. You can leave comments in each deck page or message me via Reddit. New decklists suggestions are also welcome.

There is no need for donations. However if you have any extra cards that I'm missing I won't refuse if you'd like to throw them my way. :)

How do I get in touch?

If you have a comment, suggestion or would like to report a bug about The Pauper Deck Library feel free to message me via Reddit.

Can I see the source code?

I plan to make the website code open-source and available on Github.

Site credits?

All card info and card images obtained from Scryfall. Check it out, awesome website.

Boilerplate CSS from Bootstrap.

Javascript Libraries DataTables and ListJS.